Emma Chamberlain biography
Birth date22 May 2021
Full nameEmma Frances Chamberlain
Height162.6 cm
Weight50 kg
Marital statussingle
Social Media

Emma Chamberlain is an American blogger, a leader among YouTube bloggers. Became a legislator of a simple but catchy video editing style. Appreciated for immediacy and sincerity.

Biography of Emma Chamberlain

On May 22, 2001, the most popular blogger according to Cosmopolitan magazine was born. The girl was named Emma, and she is the only daughter in the Chamberlain family. Home state is California. Parents Sophia and Michael were not wealthy Americans. His father earned money by painting, and during his illness, the family experienced serious financial difficulties. When the daughter was 5 years old, they divorced.

Emma studied at two high schools, in the second she was fond of trekking and was a cheerleader. In 2017, she dropped out of school and began to build a creative biography on social networks. The YouTube channel was founded in June 2016, but the first videos on the topic of hand made were not successful. Then Chamberlain decided on a direction – the complete opposite of the glossy and formulaic channels. The girl absolutely without hesitation due to the lack of makeup and without choosing the perfect clothes began to shoot live vlogs. The subject of her video is as diverse as possible, but it exactly suited the teenage audience of YouTube.

emma chamberlain in russian

For 3 years of active promotion, the YouTuber has conquered with her sincerity not only ordinary viewers, but also influential agencies. In the summer of 2018, the result of cooperation with Dote was the author’s clothing line designed by Emma. Later, the blogger got on the pages of Forbes, and in the spring of 2019, the YouTube star sat in the front row at Paris Fashion Week. In September of the same year, at a similar event in New York, Chamberlain met Anna Wintour, the editor-in-chief of Vogue. In October, the girl officially visited the headquarters of YouTube.

Emma Chamberlain on Russian YouTube channel

На пике всемирной раскрутки внимание к ютуберше росло повсеместно. В декабре 2016 основан канал на ютубе, где размещаются выпуски Эммы с озвучкой на русском языке. Кстати, закадровый голос принадлежит загадочному парню. На канале появляются не все видео девушки, но каждый новый влог c переводом принимается тепло. В январе 2020 вышел ролик «Пополнение в семье», где блогерша рассказала о новой кошечке Френки в качестве подружки ее рыжему коту Дэклану.

A separate passion of an American woman is coffee. She even preferred the launch of a coffee production to the release of a typical clothing merch. Since 2019, she has been running a personal brand selling mugs and bags of ground grains for brewing like tea. In the presentation of simple content on making coffee, the blogger does not change her author’s style. Many followers appeared, but it is quite difficult to repeat the magic and talent of Chamberlain. All reviews of the most popular and natural YouTube star come down to her video editing system.

The viewer’s interest is supported by zoom effects, freeze frames with comments, funny text overlay and voice acting of the heroine’s thoughts. It was these chips that became the real discovery of Emma at the dawn of the development of social networks. In addition to the main video platform, the blogger works on Instagram, Twitter and Tik Tok. The last issue is dedicated to dancing at 3 am, which also hit the Russian channel.

Personal life

Regarding relationships with guys, Emma has complete silence. Neither on Instagram nor in other personal profiles is there any mention of the girl’s romantic relationships. Chamberlain is so passionate about her career that she has not yet found time for her personal life. In August 2019, she posted a shocking video in a “pregnant” look. The most straightforward YouTuber left the house with an overlay on her stomach. According to the vlogger, she does not know how many years will pass before the present moment of motherhood – perhaps 10 or more. Now the YouTube star decided to just understand how she would feel in this position.

Emma Chamberlain now

Back in 2018, Chamberlain moved to Los Angeles, where she lives to this day. As of May 2020, she has 9 million subscribers each on YouTube and Instagram. For a week, her releases collect more than 3 million views. The day before, in February of this year, she became the face of the Cosmopolitan magazine, where Emma’s biography and character were widely covered.